The Best Way to Find Yourself

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‘The best way to find yourself is to loose yourself in the service of others’ – Mahatma Gandhi. This quote by Gandhi reflects the way I think about pursuing a biomedical science degree at university. The world of medicine studies and examines the minute details of the complex human body, it is about exploring this wonderful science and my endeavour to continuously learn and upgrade my knowledge that I have decided to pursue this as my preferred degree. My work with a GP surgery over the summer gave me an opportunity to interact,observe and learn several aspects of the subject. Fistly, I learnt the fundamental importance of confidentiality. It was a stimulating experience as I worked alongside the practice phlebotomist and observed blood tests and health checkups. I also was able to get an intimate practical experience while manipulating phlebotomy samples. Since swine flu was the major concern at that time I was required to be aware of the safety procedures I also handled patient records and was actively involved in administrative work dealing with letters from claim companies and hospital reports. My inherent interest in biology and chemistry in a way influenced the way I engaged in various educational activities. I was a part of the group that visited The Science museum(‘Day of Israeli’ event). Here renowned professionals from Tel Aviv University Israel gave talks on nanoscience and genetics. (please write 2 lines on what you learnt). Furthermore in 2008 I visited UCL on a nanotechnology conference (again a line as a takeaway learning) Recently to gain some experience of the captivating university life I attended master classes in Biology and Maths at Imperial College London where I gained perspectives on various practical and critical thinking skills, whilst carrying out practical experiments to investigate DNA samples in Biology and solving intriguing

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