The Best Things in Life Are Free

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THE BEST THINGS IN LIFE ARE FREE The ancient proverb, "the best things in life are free" has a very deep hidden meaning. This proverb relates to all the things money cannot buy, like walking in the sunshine, gazing at the stars or going to the beach and looking at the ocean. Amongst these priceless wonders of nature, each one of us are blessed with a fully fledged family the day we are born. This family consists of our beloved parents, that nagging brother or irritating sister, nanis and nanas, uncles and aunts. However rich any one might be, he cannot buy any one of these wonderful relations anywhere in the world, and this is a universal fact known to one and all. Most boys and girls of today don't know what the best is for themselves in this crazy world we live in, that is why they strive to achieve happiness and contentment by spending thousands of daddy's hard earned money on, all the latest gadgets like the PS4 and the latest Samsung galaxy S5 not to mention designer clothes and shoes, believing that these are the best things in life. Media and society have brainwashed us into thinking that success and happiness is defined by what car you drive, what house you live in and the size of our TV, but let's all be true to ourselves, the material possessions we all chase on a daily basis can make life pretty enjoyable, however the old saying of ''the best things in life are free'' remains a true statement. The imperishable sweet memories obtained by chatting and playing with our dear ones cost nothing but time. The days we spend with our school mates will be remembered forever. So the best things in life are the things you and I never think about because we take them for granted as being normal and natural to have, like your health, energy, peace of mind and your loving and supportive family.
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