The Beliefs Of John Calvin And Ignatius Of Loyola

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WORLD HISTORY: UNIT 3: LESSON 25 ASSIGNMENT The Beliefs of John Calvin and Ignatius of Loyola John Calvin was born in France in 1509. He studied in Paris for his priesthood. John Calvin was a very influential figure during the protestant Reformation. His belief system was later called Calvinism. Calvin wrote about his ideas on what he believed people should think about when learning about religion. Calvin’s beliefs about Salvation where new in his lifetime. He stated that people were born sinful and only few people would be saved when they were born. I think people were drawn to his beliefs because there were plain and simple. Ignatius of Loyola was born in Spain in 1491. Ignatius of Loyola was the leader of the Counter-Reformation. He was a Catholic priest who believed in the doctrines and dogmas of the Catholic Church. A new religious order known as the Society of Jesus was created by Ignatius of Loyola. The Society of Jesus was a religious organization of the Catholic Church. Members of the organization were known as Jesuits. Jesuits served the pope as missionaries. Ignatius of Loyola believed that people should devote their lives to god. I think people were drawn to his beliefs because his beliefs were different from Calvin’s. Although Calvin and Ignatius of Loyola had different views about their beliefs, they were caring and praising of the same god. They both strongly believed in their beliefs and fought for it no matter what. In my opinion both Calvin and Ignatius of Loyola’s beliefs were right. I believe that it doesn’t matter how or where you believe in god just as long as you believe so that you can truly receive Salvation. WORK CITED PAGE
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