The Beast in the Jungle: Article Analysis

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The Beast in the Jungle: Article Analysis Henry James’ “The Beast in the Jungle” is a story about a man, John Marcher, who misses the signs of true love from a woman, May Bartram. Raymond Benoit, in an article titled “James’s The Beast in the Jungle,” analyzes the opposite relationship between knowing and being that one can find in James’ story. The concept of knowing and being as opposites is the subject of the book “Studies in Classic American Literature” by H.D. Lawrence, where he writes “the more you know, exactly, the less you are. The more you are, in being, the less you know…” What can be taken out of this statement is that people who have an intense desire to know what is true are highly likely to miss what they are looking for. This concept belies the relationship between John and May. Benoit brings many examples of places in the story where May gives John clues to her love for him, and in an attempt to decipher her “coded message,” he ignores her message altogether. One such example Benoit brings from the text is when May tells John directly: “I am with you, don’t you see?” As she makes this statement, she attempts to lure him by revealing herself before him. But instead of listening to her words, as one would expect from someone who is seeking some sort of signs of what his future will be, he instead tries to figure out what was being represented by her showing, thus missing the whole point of the interaction. As the story moves along, John is still searching, and still cannot find what he’s looking for. As Benoit points out, as May is still leaving clues to what she knows as to what the future holds, John is still blinded by his attempts to figure out what his calling is. At one point John admits that he knows that May knows exactly what she is talking about, and he thinks perhaps what he is looking for is right before him. But Marcher, as Benoit
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