The Basic Types Of Adjectives

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The basic types of adjectives Opinion An opinion adjective explains what you think about something (other people may not agree with you). Examples: silly, beautiful, horrible, difficult Size A size adjective, of course, tells you how big or small something is. Examples: large, tiny, enormous, little Age An age adjective tells you how young or old something or someone is. Examples: ancient, new, young, old Shape A shape adjective describes the shape of something. Examples: square, round, flat, rectangular Colour A colour adjective, of course, describes the colour of something. Examples: blue, pink, reddish, grey Origin An origin adjective describes where something comes from. Examples: French, lunar, American, eastern, Greek Material A material adjective describes what something is made from. Examples: wooden, metal, cotton, paper Purpose A purpose adjective describes what something is used for. These adjectives often end with "-ing". Examples: sleeping (as in "sleeping bag"), roasting (as in "roasting tin") ________________________________________ Some examples of adjective order Opinion Size Age Shape Colour Origin Material Purpose a silly young English man a huge round metal bowl a small red sleeping bag Adjectives Definition Adjectives are words that describe or modify another person or thing in the sentence. The Articles — a, an, and the — are adjectives. • the tall professor • the lugubrious lieutenant • a solid commitment • a month's pay • a six-year-old child • the unhappiest, richest man If a group of words containing a subject and verb acts as an adjective, it is called an Adjective Clause. My sister, who is much older than I am, is an engineer. If an adjective clause is stripped of its subject and verb, the resulting modifier becomes an Adjective Phrase: He is the man who is keeping my family

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