The Avengers Trailer

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1a) What does this film trailer teach us about power and authority? This particular film trailer of ‘The Avengers’ teaches us that the characters that the ensemble cast portrays in the full featured film has the a large magnitude of power because of their magnificent super natural abilities, such as super strength, great intelligence and to some extent immortality. For the reason that the characters have power, authority follows with it because they have the right to give orders to less superior people. 1b) Comment on the various camera shot and angles which contribute to your understanding of the concepts presented in the clip. There are quick, flashing full shots of the ensemble cast preparing for a certain reason, giving the intended meaning that they will have to confront the antagonist at some point within the film. This creates a feeling of suspense and tension throughout the beginning of the film trailer. The film trailer uses close ups of each member of the ensemble cast having serious/worried looks on their faces. This camera technique attempts to acquire the audience’s attention and get them interested in the plot so they watch the actual film itself. 1c) How does costuming impact on our understanding of power and authority? Identify techniques and explain effect. The costumes that the characters portrayed by the ensemble cast in this film trailer gives the intended meaning of power and authority, which the characters have. For example Robert Downy Jr portrays the Iron Man character that doesn’t actually have super powers but wears iron armor, which makes him strong and powerful. The costuming also impacts on the understanding of authority that the ensemble cast has to wear these costumes in this particular film trailer because they are part of a team and need a set of rules to go by. Furthermore the costumes establish the importance of
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