The Advantages Of Electrical Cars

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THE ADVANTAGES OF ELECTRICAL CARS Due to the developments on cars, transportation has been important issue. Every day millions of transportation vehicles are being used in traffic. Proportion to world population, amount of cars are increasing day by day. These cars are using in several types. Some of them work with internal combustion engines some of them work with electric engines. Internal combustion engines has been using for much more than two hundred years. Although it has been using for a long time it has some problems. (Modern Electric Vehicles)(Preface) As a matter of fact, people can decrease these problems by using new technology electrical cars. According to Ann Marie Sastry electrical cars would provide global, sustainable transportation solutions. (CNN U.S.). Electrical cars idea started with Deutch inventor Sibrandus Stratingh in 1830s. His best car went 40 miles on a single charge at speeds 15 m.p.h. However because of low speed problems it lost their popularity in 20th century. (Time Business)(2009). Because of carbon dioxide emission, petrol prices and maintenance or repair costs and danger in accident area, internal combustion engines lost their advantage today and electrical car ideas re-appeared for solve these problems. The first advantage of electric cars is about environmental issues. In internal combustion engine technology, fossil fuels are used generally. After burning of fossil fuels carbon dioxide and carbon mono oxide gases are emit. These gases create the biggest part of air pollution. According to World Resources Institute (2003) in Daily life 75% of carbon mono oxide emission will create from vehicle usage. However this problem can solve with electrical cars. Because of no fossil fuels usage electrical cars decrease this emission in a very big range. Related with this topic a research study shows that carbon

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