The Advantages and Disadvantages of Being Married

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Topic: The advantages and Disadvantages of being married Essay: Marriage is like a cage; one sees the birds outside desperate to get in, and those inside equally desperate to get out (Micheal de Montaigne, 1533-1592). Marriage, by its appearance, is the happiest status and brings many advantages to people, albeit also has its own disadvantages somehow. On the one hand, marriage has many advantages. Firstly, marriage is the best environment in which childern are raised. Children, who live in a stable family, will be more mobile, less behaviour problem and less depressed than other children. Secondly, Marriage can give people financial security.With two incomes, people will work without high-pressure and feel more comfortable at work as well as at home, therefore one will get more successful and satisfied in employment. Finally, married people will have less illness and live longer because thay always have someone to share life challenges, rewards and sorrows with. In addition, they also have someone to trust with their heart along with someone will accept of all of them unconditionally. In addition, marriage is a stable relationship so one doesn’t have to worry about the dating game anymore. Besides that, marriage can help people to be tolerant, unselfish and more responsible. That means before doing anything, one has to consider for his family, so that he will feel happy and useful having someone to take care of. On the other hand, marriage also has its disadvantages. Married people can’t afford to be selfish and inconsiderate anymore. That will make them feel uncomfortable wanting to do something they like. Thereby they will get more pressure of responsibilities; always worrying about getting fired at work; can’t afford to change their job because of consideration about the stability of the next job. Besides, married people have to give up so much

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