Texts In Time: Frankenstein & Blade Runner

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Whilst texts may be fictitious constructs of the composer’s imagination, when created, they also reflect the ideas and values of that era. This is clearly the case in Mary Shelley’s ‘Frankenstein’ and Ridley Scott’s ‘Blade Runner’. However, despite the different times and contexts of which these two texts were composed, both Shelley and Scott have crafted texts that explore similar content and that warn us of the dire consequences of the desire for omnipotence and unrestrained scientific progress. It’s these concepts and their enduring appeal through the centuries that suggest they are universal themes, linking the texts through time. ‘Frankenstein’ reflects directly the context in which it was written. Composed in the early 1800’s, a time of emerging industrialisation and major scientific developments, Shelley’s Frankenstein utilises the creative arrogance of the Romantic imagination and emotion to fashion a Gothic world in which the protagonist’s seizure of the divine privilege of creation has derailed the conventional lines of authority and responsibility. Through her novel, Shelley provides a warning of the dangers of such actions. This idea is encapsulated in Victor’s words “how dangerous is the acquirement of knowledge”. Shelley’s use of an epistolatory narrative form provides for greater engagement, allowing readers to formulate their own ideas by responding to multiple narrators. Since there is no one omniscient narrator, this method lends disturbing truth to an unlikely story. The film ‘Blade Runner’ was made in 1982 by Ridley Scott and is in the ‘film noir’ style. It reflects the growing awareness of the 1980s that human actions were threatening nature, and that the rights and needs of individuals were being overshadowed by the greedy pursuit of profit. ‘Blade Runner’ demonstrates fears of the increasing predominance of capitalism and consumerism, and
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