Texting and Its Effects on Teens

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#25 David G. Moody English 1 10-25-13 TEXTING AND ITS EFFECTS ON TEENS (Ethos) When texting first came out it wasn’t very popular, but now it seems that we can’t go a day without sending text messages. Text messaging is a very useful way to stay in communication with people, friends, and family. Although texting is useful, it can harm our social lives, it can affect our speech patterns and grammar. We see this change especially, but not limiting to teens. Teenagers have adopted texting as if it was natural. Teenagers have taken texting by storm, they do it every where, while doing anything, and that is not okay. Such behavior can be dangerous. Teens don’t realize how dangerous texting can be while performing cretin activity’s that demand a persons full attention. This would include driving, operating machinery, walking, and even paying attention in class or while engaged in a conversation. Texting is dissertating and could, “in extreme cases be harmful or life threatening. Texting can also effects a teens academic and social life. Teens stay up all night texting, “I would know, I’m one of them” this can cause teens to become drossy during the day; they will want to sleep in class or stay home and not go out. “The phenomenon is beginning to worry physicians and psychology and psychologists, who say it is leading to anxiety, distraction in school, falling grades, repetitive stress injury and sleep deprivation (Hafner?)” Dr. Martin joffe, a pediatrician in Greenbrae, Calf., recently surveyed students at two local high schools and said he found that many were routinely sending hundreds of texts every day. “That’s hundreds every few minutes” he said. “ then you hear that these kids are responding to texts late at night. That’s going to cause sleep issues in an age group that’s already plagued with sleep issues. (Hatfner)”

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