Television Harmful Effects

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In a culture where most people have at least two TV sets in their homes and are obsessed with watching television, it is almost impossible to neglect pointing out the possible harmful effects of watching too much television. Television has certainly much to offer, and without doubt it is a great innovation. But when it comes to relying on it, whether to be informed or entertained, it can certainly affect people negatively. Here are the main harmful effects of watching television that you should always keep in mind. Television is bad for your health Watching television means inactivity, and inactivity has been linked with obesity and heart disease. Do you think it is just a coincidence that in the West, where people are spending enormous amounts of time watching television, obesity and heart diseases in people of all ages are rapidly increasing? More and more studies are being carried out on the harmful health effects of watching television. A recent research study conducted at the Harvard School of Public Health indicates that watching too much television can significantly increase the risk of developing obesity and type 2 diabetes. Not surprisingly, another study carried out at the University of Rhode Island found that prolonged television watching decreases viewers’ sense of self-efficacy in maintaining personal health. Television feeds you false information One of the most harmful effects of watching television is that television appears to us to portray or report reality. In actuality, however, it just allows us to get a small glimpse of what’s really going on. This particularly happens when watching TV newscasts. When we watch a 30 minutes newscast, we usually believe that what it is showing us is all that there is to see. After all, if there was more to see, wouldn’t television show us more? Unfortunately most people accept whatever television is feeding
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