Teenagers Today Essay

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Teenagers today. What do we remind you of? Are we still the children of yesterday to you,or do you see us as the adults of tomorrow that we're destined to be? Do we look promising in your eyes,or are you afraid of what is going to become of us? All this,we determine. Without Teenagers are a charismatic group of young people. In this day and age,they have evolved mentally,and are very well prepared to tackle all sorts of challenges in today's corporate environment. They have the mentality of winners and are always thinking about success. Learning from the example set by our predecessors,we teenagers are ready to run the world today, tackle challenges take oppurtunity. The world watched while the tsunami hit Japan,and as Hurricane Katrina tore up the streets of New Orleans,taking lives and dreams with it. Many adults gave helping hands,undoubtedly,they cared. Then again,there were schools all around the world raising funds to donate to the victims. Youth organizations all around the world started finding ways to help ease the pain of those who were affected. Teenagers of all races,age and social standard came together,forgetting their differences and showing support to the victims. To see such a huge following,all coming together,united in sympathy and passion,really is something that will inspire anyone. Many teenagers whose parents were racists have learnt from their parent's mistakes. They are looking right through skin,and starting to make friends with other teenagers from different races,truly showing colourblindness,puzzling so many out there as to how different they are as compared to their parents. Can you imagine what will happen if children of racists thankfully fail to inherit the disease of racism from their parents? How much of a better world will this one become? Generation after generation,as the the number of racists
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