Teenager Years Essay

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Many adults share the popular opinion of your best time in life to be your teenage years, and that you don't realize this until you have grown up. This statement is entirely correct because as teenagers, there are many things we do not realize or learn from unless we experience them ourselves. How are we to know these magnificent happenings in life if we have not yet gained insight on what is good and what is bad? During our teenage years we go through several changes and accomplish our much wanted independence and detachment. As adults we are simply too busy with other things to really apprehend the beauty of life. Changes may either be exciting or not a big deal at all; however, change is mainly appreciated because it always ends up for the better. There are many issues that face today's teenagers. Probably one of the most common is the issue of individualism or identity. The teenage years harbor some of the most confusing and impressionable years in the life of any human being. There are many expectations, both individual and societal, that play a large role in the development of each teenager. Though most teenagers find their way through these difficult years as their own person, there are some who never seem to fully understand who they are. This misunderstanding can lead to many problems in adulthood. When a child is born they are catered to for about three or four years. Once the child embarks on their first journey away from home, school being a example, there are some changes that occur in the child. For the most part these changes are minimal, for the child still retains the innocent nature not to care or understand the art of conforming to those around him or her. Once a child enters the pivotal time in their life called adolescence that confident child becomes an awkward teenager. What once never crossed the mind of that child now weighs heavily on

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