Teen Stress Commentary and Adolescent Pressures

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Adolescent Pressures “Stress” is a word that we all cringe at when we hear or think about it, even though it’s seen in all of our lives. We all understand how it feels to be under the pressure of having good grades, holding a job, having to be thinking about college, and keeping a good social life can be viewed as stressful. However, with learning how to balance everything can also be demanding, causing medical issues, and even at times more stress for ourselves, therefore not being good. Nevertheless, what many do not realize is how these thoughts consume us and the stress that we are under causes us to act in the way that we do. Some understand, however many people do not see our stresses, as some decide to express to us what we have done wrong or haven’t done; only adding on to our stress. These stresses can cause medical issues such as anxiety, withdrawal, aggression, physical illness, or drug and/or alcohol abuse. Approximately 33% of teens feel stress once a day, while 67% of teens feel stress at least once a week. It’s time to spread the word about adolescent stress and how much it affects us because we are the present generation; we have the power to help teens now! The first step is to start taking the healthy steps toward dealing with our stress and managing it. Several ways of coping with stress are to reorganize, rethink, reduce, relax and release. These can all be done in different ways, however it all depends on you and what your likes and dislikes are, nobody can state what is good for you, most of the time it is better to discover a new hobby or use an old one. Blogging was a form that worked well for me, because I realized while letting out my artistic view, I was able to vent out my emotions, making me feel a bit better. Another goal is to help parents understand and perceive what we are going through is a huge step toward making adults

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