Teen Privacy Essay

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Teen privacy is a problem teen and parents alike go through every day. Each one arguing with the other trying to convince them not to go through there text messages or emails. They want their privacy and they don’t want their parents going through to make sure they are ok. But is there a reason for worry? Their parents are just trying to keep them safe and to make sure they are not getting into trouble. On they just want to keep their kids safe. Teens on the other hand have a reason to keep the texts safe and emails and social media. There are secrets on there that they don’t want their parents to know, if they find them it could be a big problem for the teen cause they would have let a secret out to their parents. If there is a reason for the parents to look at texts besides just wanting too than that is great but I think that teen should be to keep their messages social media and emails to their self. It is wrong that parents barge in and make them because they want to know what is going on in their life. Teen Privacy should be exactly that teen privacy not parent checking up on their kids. Texts, emails, social media, and phone calls are the teens not the parents. Clothing is another issue schools mainly have a code about how they dress. Back when Vietnam War was being fought kids wore black armbands to protest many schools suspended the kids because they didn’t like it. Teen privacy is something kids deserve and here are a few reasons why. That is a prime example of parents and adults taking away teens freedom of speech. The first issue is parents don’t believe there kids are responsible, but I would tend to disagree I feel kids these days are very responsible sometimes they don’t make the right decisions, but that is part of life and they learn from their mistakes. Many teens these days tend to make decisions that affect their life in either a positive or
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