Teel - Story of Tom Brennan

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Quote Technique Effect “...We’re all hurting. It’s not helping anyone being like this” (p 11) Dialogue (Gran) Gran sums up the far-reaching effects of the accident through the collective nature of “we’re all” and the negative connotations of the word “hurting”. “That was the thing about my sisters, she’d become tough. It was like I hardly knew her anymore” (p 29) Characterisation of Kylie; simile; metaphor Tom sums up Kylie’s negative transformation, a consequence of the accident with the metaphoric verb “tough” and the simile “like I hardly knew her anymore” which emphasises their changed relationship. “The clouds were out and a storm was threatening” (p 105) Pathetic fallacy tone, foreshadowing When Tom visits the police station, the negative description of the weather, with the ominous storm “threatening” reflects his own emotional turmoil through pathetic fallacy. “I’m not saying Daniel was innocent, what he did was wrong, very wrong, but he was no criminal” (p 135) Repetition, conditional conjunction (“but”), comparison --> innocent/criminal When Tom first visits Daniel, he is confronted by the setting and guards and it causes him to reflect upon Daniel’s situation. The comparison of “innocent” and “criminal”, combined with the conditional conjunction “but” emphasises Daniel’s distinction as ‘not a criminal’; however, the repetition of the word “wrong” acknowledges the severity of his actions. “With each memory I touched, I felt it again - that pain, like a sledgehammer slicing through your heart” (p 165) Simile, negative tactile imagery, metaphor As Tom looks through Gran’s scrapbook, he is confronted by the pain of the happy memories in the past and this is captured in the very negative tactile imagery associated with the simile: “like a sledgehammer slicing through your heart”. “I strode down to the sheds, trying to clear my head and find the exit
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