Technology Owes Ecology an Apology

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Over the years, there have been many improvements that technology offers us. But do they really give us the proper advantages, or are we paying a price for it? It is undoubtedly true that technology has created a better lifestyle in many ways; however, I think that technology is also harming our ecology because of deforestation, greenhouse gases and other wastes released. The recent development of technology has helped our ecology in many ways such as creating smarter technologies that adjusts itself to reduce its environmental impact, for instance lights that sense when no one is in the room and automatically turn off. It also allows us to have worldwide laboratories so that experts from all fields can share ideas about producing new sustainable resources that doesn’t harm the ecology. Not only does this allow far communication, it also reduces the environmental impact of people constantly travelling to meet which involves fuel that releases greenhouse gasses. Besides, newer technologies like solar or wind power are promising pollution free power. However, the production of technology also causes harm to the ecology. The human population has increased by leaps, hence necessitating deforestation. The production of paper is an example. Thousands of trees are cut so people can use paper for various reasons. It reduces the amount of trees and endangers species which lived there. Hence, they have to move away and many die leaving the ecological cycle that once existed there ceasing to function. Weapon technology has caused the extinction of many species of large mammals. Many people ignore fishing quota’s causing depletion to various sea creatures breaking marine food webs. Elephants are evolving into a species without tusks because of hunting for ivory. In conclusion, I believe, technology affects the ecology and it does more damage than it benefits our ecology. We
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