Technology In Education

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3 Ways That Education Has Become Virtual, Technical, and Computer Generated Within the past ten years, education has changed drastically. This is due to the fact that education has become virtual, technical, and computer generated. There are 3 ways that education has changed drastically. Online Classes Not too long ago, classes could only be taken in a classroom in a school building. Now, more and more classes are being offered online. Students do not have to leave their homes. They can do their studies in their pajamas, which enables them to experience an increased level of comfort that they would not otherwise experience in a traditional classroom setting. Technology is Necessary for Course Completion In the very recent past, computers and other forms of technology were not a necessity to complete courses. Nowadays, such technology is necessary. Instructors rely upon this technology heavily, and students are required to use this technology when completing assignments. Good old fashion pens and pencils are not being used nearly as much as they used to. As a matter of fact, it seems that they are being phased out. The Use of Teleconferencing and Chat rooms When students wanted to meet together, it used to be that they would meet in traditional study groups or in the classroom. Now, when students want to work with their other peers, they meet with one another in teleconferences and in chat rooms online. Such technology has changed the way that study groups meet with one another, as well as the dynamic of these study groups. Individuals do not meet face to face in these groups, which may cause the behaviors of these individuals to change. For instance, they may not be as personal as they were when meeting with one another face to face. When we sit back and look at how these 3 areas of education has been changed, we can definitely conclude that education has

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