Technological Impact In Communication

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In recent times, technological advances have spurred the expansion of readily accessible, easy-to-use and cost-effective products on the world market. Materialistic society prompts ongoing development and worldwide attention to ‘necessities’ like mobile phones, MP3 players, computers etc. The demand for objects of a leisurely or communicative nature, two things that are simply obligatory in modern society, is at an all-time high and, as a result of this, many people obtain them. Children as young as eight can be seen walking to school with a mobile and, with the development of silicon chip technology, education systems have revolutionised their methods to include computers and the Internet, ‘Mobile phones, alongside the Internet, have had an enormous impact on interpersonal communication’ (Ellis, R.B. et al. p48. 1995). However, while these advancements have made things like international communication easier than ever, the dire effects of this progression can be evident, particularly in managerial communication. Basic communication elements have an ‘…interrupted structure and interactive feel of conversation…’ (Pope, R. 1998. p257). These communication changes create a post-literate society, eliminating the traditional approach of language and communication, ‘…the post-literate society means simply that the shift of non-face-to-face information from the written word to the electronic media is now dominant…’ (Schwartz, T. p10. 1983). Technological advancements in the 20th and 21st Centuries, such as the creation of mobile phones and the internet, have led to the development of idiosyncratic forms of language that negatively impact upon communication skills. Initially, the adverse affects of technology are evident with short messaging service technology and the widespread use of mobile devices. Furthermore, frequent uses of Internet-based communication, such as chat

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