Technoligy Use in Schools

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I am a technoligy fanatic. When friends ask questions, i am always the first one to turn to on my computer. i use search engines, such as google, bing, ask, Ect. to get correct and more efficient information. computer technoligy gives me technical skills that students will need later in life, it helps me calaborate with other peers, and changes my role as a student. First of all, students will need advanced technical skills as the world becomes more advanced in technology. We need to update our schooling systems to keep up with the fast changing centry.Technoligy is changeing constantly, and becoming a part of everyday life. As peers transition from schooling to the work feild, they are completly blind sided. Technoligy is used in almost any career you now pursue. By having less advanced school systems students are not prepared, dont have many skills towards technoligy. if we update our systems it will support their learning in the coming centry and more technolosically world we are living in. Secondly, technoligy helps students collabarate with others. A majority of teachers have reported a major increase in students working cooperitavly and providing help for thier other peers while working with technoligy. Technology-based tasks involve many subtasks leading to situations where students need help and conviniently ask a peer for assistence. For example, if you are working on a prodject and using software to complete it and run into a problem, students are more liable to ask another peer for assistence. Thirdly, when peers use technoligy it changes their role as a student. When students are useing technolagy they set themselves into an active role rather than a passive role. Whille using software a student relies on themselves to get the information they need to complete thier assingments which makes there role more active. Rather than having a teacher
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