Teaching Strategies Essay

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Reflection Paper Building Your Repertoire of Teaching Strategies Mamie Lish May 2009 Reflection Paper The Building Your Repertoire of Teaching Strategies course introduced fifteen different teaching concepts, all of which could be incredibly effective in any classroom. Personally, I already use some of these strategies, but in limited ways. I have found through the readings and the videos ways to expand my current curriculum to be more effective through at least three of these concepts. The first helpful strategy is the Inductive Learning Strategy; second, Graduated Difficulty Strategy; third, Concept Attainment Strategy. Strategy One This first strategy I chose is the Inductive Learning Strategy, which fails into the Self-Expressive Strategies. I teach British literature and every unit is introduced by historical background. The first question I receive (every year) is, “Why are we talking about history in English? No matter the grade level, students have a difficult time making connections and transferring information. Creativity and expression are important in life on a daily basis. Teacher: Facililtators/stimulators/creators/… Curriculum: creative expression/moral development/application of knowledge… hypothesizing/synthesizing/metaphoric expression/ divergent thinking/ creating Learner: curious/insightful/imaginative. I’ve used this for my Master’s degree project when I created group digital portfolios. Inductive Learning strategy: Self-Expressive strategy (NF): students use specific situations, objects, and ideas to arrive at generalizations, principles, or rules. Students observe, compare/contrast, and group things together to form applicable statements. Enchances thinking abililities requiring students tto generate and group data. Teacher is to determine the concept to be addressed and plan ways to present or elicit data.

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