Teacher Professional Competencies and Clcs

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As mentioned in the above document, teaching involvement is key to the success of implementation of a Community Learning Centre. In considering various cultural tensions that exist with the teaching staff at our school, the second document I chose: Teacher Training, Orientations and Professional Competencies, reviews the 12 professional competencies of teachers, in line with the current reform and education system. The 17th century school system was based on ideology in which everything had its place: Control of time, space, movement was evident through the use of a reward and punishment system. Traditional pedagogy was based on a uniform way of teaching, focussing on content. In the late 19th and early 20th century, this former model was criticized and there was a need to train a ‘scientific teacher’, placing students at the heart of knowledge. Researchers in the 1970s questioned whether the teacher made any difference in the students’ learning process and a move was made towards professionalizing the teaching profession. The mandate of this research, mandated by the MEQ, was to update the orientations and target competencies for initial teacher training programs, responding to a need to bring teacher training in line with the changes affecting the system as a whole. As teachers and schools are exposed to increasing societal pressures caused by several factors, such as: - the decentralization and the increased autonomy of schools, requiring them to collaborate actively with the community; - the new mission for schools and the socio-constructivist approach, placing students at the heart of the learning process challenges traditional roles of teachers - the increasing diversity among students: schools must develop social cohesiveness, taking into account different points of view, values and behaviour patterns and promote
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