Teacher Evaluation Essay

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New Policy Statement on Teacher Evaluation and Accountability - Adopted as Amended The full text of the Policy Statement follows. See also: * Educators Approve Teacher Evaluation and Accountability Policy Statement * RA Delegates Adopt NEA Policy Statement on Teacher Evaluation and Accountability Adopted as Amended Consistent with NEA’s belief that the “teaching profession is a cornerstone of society,” “composed of individuals who meet the highest standards” of “evaluation” and “accountability,” (NEA Resolution D-1), and recognizing that evaluation and accountability systems too often leave teachers without the feedback or support needed to enhance practice and advance student learning, NEA sets forth below the criteria for the types of teacher evaluation and accountability systems necessary to ensure a high quality public education for every student. I. High Quality Teacher Evaluation Systems NEA believes that our students and teachers deserve high quality evaluation systems that provide the tools teachers need to continuously tailor instruction, enhance practice and advance student learning. Such systems must provide both ongoing, non-evaluative, formative feedback and regular, comprehensive, meaningful and fair evaluations. Such systems must be developed and implemented with teachers and their representatives, either through collective bargaining where available, or in partnership with the affiliate representing teachers at the state and local level. a. All teachers should be regularly evaluated by highly trained evaluators on the basis of clear standards as to what teachers should know and be able to do. Such standards should be high and rigorous and define the rich knowledge, skills, dispositions and responsibilities of teachers. Such standards may be based on national models
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