Teacher Essay

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Unit 1 – Health & Human Development MEDIA ANALYSIS – Determinants of Health & Development 1. What was the impact that biological determinants had on “Big Mike’s” health and development? Consider genetic inheritance (such as body type, sex, and hormones). How does this compare with the biological determinants that SJ inherited? There was a huge impact that biological determinants had on Big Mike’s health and development. Genetics determine the body structure that the individual has. It is clearly evident that Big Mike’s body type is really big and he appears to be over-weight. Hormones also play a role in body weight because they are the chemical messengers that contribute to many of the changes that occur during youth and also have numerous impacts on health. Big Mike is a teenager and compared to the other students in his class he is very large and tall and this is due to his genetics. Genetics - inheritance plays a part in determining lifespan, healthiness and the likelihood of developing certain illnesses. Personal behaviour and coping skills – balanced eating, keeping active, smoking, drinking, and how we deal with life’s stresses and challenges all affect health. 2. What was the impact that behavioural determinants had on “Big Mike’s” health and development? Consider all of the following (if relevant): sun protection behaviour, substance use, sexual practices, food intake, developing and maintaining friendships, seeking help from professionals. Are there others? Refer to our lists. Big Mike’s physical development changes across the movie. He becomes more healthy and fit through the help of SJ and it evidently shows a noticeable change when Big Mike plays football and accomplishes many physical challenges that he could not do before. Big Mike was physically unhealthy before the Tuohy’s adopted him because his mother was a drug
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