Tda 2.5 Schools as Organisations

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1.2 Describe the characteristics of the different types of schools in relation to educational stages and school governance. Schools across England are funded and managed in different ways and will vary depending on the age of your child. School Type Description Nursery schools Nursery schools are stand-alone schools for children aged three and four. They have their own head teacher and staff. Some are state-funded, others are privately run although a child might be eligible for a free part-time place. Nursery classes Nursery classes are attached to primary schools. They may have a separate building and playground away from the main school but share the same head teacher and staff. They are Ofsted inspected. Primary schools Primary schools cater for children aged 4-11. While at primary school, children start with the Early Years Foundation curriculum, followed by Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 of the National Curriculum. Secondary schools Secondary schools are for children aged 11-16 or 18. They take pupils through Key Stages 3 and 4 of the National Curriculum. Sixth form colleges Sixth form colleges are for young people aged 16-19. Students study for A levels and other qualifications that you can do after the age of 16, e.g. BTEC National Certificates. State or private education. All children aged 5-16 are entitled to a free place at a state school. Most families take up this place. A few – around 6.5% - choose to pay for a place at an independent (also called a private, or – confusingly – public) school. Parents pay fees towards the cost of running an independent school. Both state and private schools are Ofsted inspected. Independent (Private) schools don’t have to follow national curriculum. How state schools are managed. There are four main types of state schools funded by local authorities. They all follow the National Curriculum and are
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