Tammany Hall's Corruption And Benefits

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Tammany Hall’s Corruption and Benefits Tammany Hall is an infamous New York City political hub that came into an overwhelming amount of power after the Irish gangs took it over in 1855. Tammany Hall was able to get many politicians elected in the mid to late 19th century despite their candidate’s hidden personal agendas. Their members were also able to establish and continue corrupt political dealings in New York City for almost 70 years with little break in power for a number of reasons including bribes, blackmailing, and violence, as well as taking advantage of newly arriving immigrants with little money and little ability to help themselves. Tammany Hall members often argued that they simply understood what their people wanted and gave it to them one by one. However, these favors were actually in return for their votes at the ballot box. The association’s leaders were supported by many of New York’s citizens whom they helped out personally or simply scared into voting their way. They were bashed by many other politicians and influential citizens deeming the Tammany Hall practices corrupt and undemocratic. For those involved in Tammany Hall’s reign over New York, they viewed their personal gains from the association to be “honest graft,” as George Washington Plunkitt explains. (http://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/5030/) (I know I need to work on this, I was having a hard time coming up with a good thesis..) Tammany Hall was originally the Tammany Association, which was formed in 1789 by William Mooney. It was then used by Aaron Burr and Thomas Jefferson in the election of 1800 as a political machine dedicated to anti-federalist ideals. The society took a turn in another direction, however, when they began noticing an increasing number of Irish members forcing themselves into the association in 1817. Many of these newly acquired members were
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