Talent Born or Made

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It is general believed that some people are born with certain talents, for instance for sport, music, and other are not. However, it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a good sport person or musician. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. Nature versus nurture has been a very controversial and popular subject of debates nowadays. People believe that particular individuals possess a specific and unique DNA that would mold them to become "somebody" in the future.It is without a doubt that some great artists, politicians and other personalities come from families who have the same skills they possess. This is why it is believed that talents are innate to some people. On the other hand, some are against this. Many also stick to the fact that each individual are born equally. Each by whom to be shaped and raised to acquire the skills and talents they will share to the world as they grow up. For me, each of us are born with multitude of gifts. Some just don't realize it. From the very first day of our existence we are bound to do something great. However, we need to be nurtured in order for us to reach our full potential. Like a seed,we need to be watered and taken care of in order to grow to become a fruitful plant.We may have talents, but it is essential that we, and the people around us will recognize it. Being born to parents who will shape us as well as living in a particular environment will predispose one to focus on certain activities. One should be taught to be able to enhance his own potentials.Some people whom we label as "talented" have been privileged enough to get these opportunities while growing up, that is why their skills are prominent than the others.If one is able to concentrate and give a full dedication in his strengths,chances are, it would make him one of the greatest in the future. Of course,

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