Takeaway Meals Essay

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Introduction Take-away meals have increased in popularity over the years because of the increase in convenience that it has provided to the Australian community and the different varieties that are now available for them to purchase. This specific factor has influenced a group of four TAFE students to form a team and collect primary data in the form of a survey. The creation of the “take-away survey” was prepared in order to obtain results as to why people purchase take-away meals and how often they buy them by looking at the different age groups and gender demographics. As well as primary data being collected from the surveys that were prepared, a number of secondary data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics and various news articles from the Internet have also been incorporated in this report. These secondary data were collected to acknowledge previous research findings that were related to the objective and to support the findings from the primary data. Questions that will be answered in this report regarding take-away meals include the following: * What are the reasons for purchasing take-away meals * Are healthy options preferred if take-away franchises offer them * What influences people to purchase take-away * Is transport needed * How many times in a week is take-away bought * Would a delivery option make people prefer to buy take-away * How much money is spent on take-away meals weekly * What variety of take-away do people prefer and, * Which time of day do most people prefer to eat take-away meals A great amount of personal time was put into the correlation of the data and the writing aspect of this report. To ensure that the objective of the research has been met and all the data needed has been included, the team had to work together on a weekly basis to produce positive results. Problems did
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