Syzygium Cumini Essay

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Syzygium Cumini, commonly known as jamun in India is a popular tree especially in the rural areas of the country. The tree may grow over 10 meters high with many branches and regular glossy, leathery leaves. The small white flowers are produced in large number which after a period of time, give rise to small green fruit. These later grow into oval shaped, 1 to 3 cm long, bright purple or black, fleshy, sweet and astringent one-seeded fruits. (book) Syzygium cumini, jambul, jambolan, jamblang, or jamun, is an evergreen tropical tree in the flowering plant family Myrtaceae. Syzygium cumini is native to Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, and Indonesia. The name of the fruit is sometimes mistranslated as blackberry, which is a different fruit in an unrelated family. ( MEDICINAL PROPERTIES Black plum plant is originally from Indonesia and India. Indian mythology describes the Indian subcontinent as an island, 'situated in the centre of the world', called Jambudweep. Because of a majority of Jamun (black berry) trees, this island was named as Jambudweep. An evergreen tropical tree, 50 to 100 ft. tall, with oblong opposite leaves that are smooth, glossy and having a terpentine smell. The leaves are antibacterial, and are used for strengthning the teeth and gums. The fruit and seeds are sweet, acrid, sour, tonic, and cooling, and are used in diabities, diarrhoea and ringworm. The bark is astringent, sweet sour, diuretic, digestive and anthelmintic. ( Health Benefits of Black Plum Fruit Black palm tree is an ever green tree. Its fruits are the purple color turns into black flavor fruit. The fruit is unique in its taste and color. When it is sucked, it changes the color of the tongue to purple due to its coloring properties.

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