Synopsis the Glass Menagerie

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Synopsis The Glass Menagerie The Wingfield apartment faced an alley in a lower-middle-class St. Louis tenement. There was a fire escape with a landing and a screen on which words or images periodically appeared. Tom Wingfield stepped onstage dressed as a merchant sailor and spoke directly to the audience. He explained the social and historical background of the play and described his role in the play and described the other characters: He introduced his mother, Amanda Wingfield who was abandoned by her husband. Laura Wingfield, his elder sister who was totally shy. Laura’s chilhood illness had made her crippled and separated from the world. She lived in her own world with her glass collection. The last caracter was Jim O’Connor, the most realistic character in the play. Jim was his friend in warehouse. At the beginning of the play Tom, Amanda and Laura were in the dining room. Tom argued with his mother because his mother kept talking about animal’s secretion, salivary glands and mastication that made his appetite went away. Laura was offered herself to bring the dessert but her mother, Amanda was not allowed her to do it. She wanted Laura to stay fresh to welcome gentleman callers. She kept telling her children about a memory of her youth in Blue Mountain: receiving seventeen gentlemen callers at the same time. She could not accept the reality that her daughter, Laura was not as popular as she had been. One day, Amanda came home with a grim and hopeless face. She was very upset with Laura. Laura had disappointed her. She had just found that Laura had lied to her. She had just come from Rubicam’s Business Collage to talk to Laura’s teachers that Laura had been sick and asked what progress that her daughter had made. In fact, the teacher did not even know who Laura was. The teacher told Amanda that there had been no such student but Amanda

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