Symbolisum in Poetry

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Emily Dickinson and the use of death as symbolism One of the best ways to portray a feeling or expression is by using symbolism, which most poetry does a good job of, however, there are few better than poetry by Emily Dickinson. The poems written by her are abstract enough where she could be talking about death and she is really talking about how she barely left her home town of Amherst, Massachusetts. She also uses symbolism to show the internal struggle of some things, such as losing your mind, symbolizing the felling of emptiness and loneness. “Because of I could not stop Death” is one poem that has the feeling that she is not saying what she means. The overall theme in the poem of death is actually another form of symbolism. Death is the symbol of leaving her home town. There are many other types of symbolism found in this poem as well. The Carriage found in line 3, is the home on which she grew up in thus where only ourselves and immortality stay. The School found in line 9, is the symbol for the school Mount Holyoke Female Seminary in which she spent only one year at. The Fields of Grazing Grain and Setting Sun found on line 11 and 12 represent the moment of her life which were wonderful and full of joy, even if located in one central location of her home town. Another form of symbolism can be found on line 17, with the reference of the House. Using a symbol of the house is one that would portray comfort and love; however, she is using this to show where the end of her town is located at. The Cornice, or ledge, found on line 20 is the last step before the end of the town and before crossing over and heading to eternity. Symbolism in Poetry 3 Emily Dickinson shows even more symbolism in the poem, “I felt a Funeral, in my Brain” in
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