Symbolism Is Short Fiction -Hemminway

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I am going to analyze and explain the concept of how and why authors use descriptions of natural scenery and landscapes to depict the inner lives of characters. I am also interested in how this type of description is different than a conventional, generic approach along with how it delivers the moral of the story more easily. The text I am focusing on is "Hills Like White Elephants" by Ernest Hemmingway. The symbolism in this text is extremely interesting as it is questionable to consider certain symbolic connections that are congruent with the relationship of the two people. I plan on discovering and revealing possible connections between symbolisms, how the story conveys it's meaning through these symbolisms and why this method of describing the characters attributes can be much more effective than a dull, ineffective direct approach. In "Hills Like White Elephants", Ernest Hemingway truly captures the depiction of the character's inner lives through describing natural scenery and landscapes. Hemingway uses several different writing techniques to create a powerful impression on the audience such as the irony, setting, character attributes and perspective. Although these components have a powerful effect on Hemingway’s audience it does not leave as strong of an impression that the complex symbolism and passive underlying tones in the dialog do; , developing for the reader a strong sense of perspective and understanding that Hemingway was longing to convey to his audience. The title “Hills Like White Elephants” continuously relays a strong message by the use of repetitively mentioning the whiteness of the hills throughout the text. The constant use of this message shows the audience that there may be something more than just color. This is Hemingway’s way of hinting to us that the white hills are not intended to only indicate the color mentioned. It is clear the
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