Symbolism in Hills Like White Elephants

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Symbolism in Hills like White Elephants The Hills like White Elephants" by Ernest Hemingway is a short story about an American man and a girl named Jig. In the story the two are sitting in a rail station waiting for the train to Madrid. While they are waiting, they have a deep, long discussion over whether or not Jig will get an abortion. At the end of the story, the train is about to arrive and the man carries the baggage to the tracks as they arrange to leave. The ending of the story leaves unclear the result of her decision. She says, "I feel fine" at the end of the story her happiness is a crucial theme of the story, but the reader was left wondering if she went through with the operation. Of the numerous symbols from the story, the main three are the hills, white elephants, and the railroad station. Hemingway uses these elements to develop the theme of the story. The theme is about how Jig sees the prospect of keeping her child and having a happy life, while the man fails to see the possibilities and works to encourage her to go through with the abortion. In the story, Jig looked at the hills and said, "They look like white elephants." The man replied, "I've never seen one." Then she replied, "No, you wouldn't have. “The hills symbolize the hindrances that we must climb, but they are not massive mountains. This represents the fact that the girl's baby is a main hindrance in her life, but it is not the end of her life and she will make it through. Hills also are viewpoints to look out from, but also block the view for those who reside in the valley. This signifies how in the story Jig looks at the hills and sees a chance, yet at the same time the man looks at the hills and sees nothing his dream of a positive and happy future is blocked by the enormous obstacle of the child. Hills are stunning, ordinary and totally stationery.. This shows how settling down

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