Super Size Me

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November 30, 2011 Supersize Me People are often drawn by curiosity to experiment with various activities in their lives. In the movie Supersize Me Morgan Spurlock decides to experiment with his own health. He got the idea for the documentary after watching the news about two teenage girls who were suing McDonald’s for making them obese. To discover the true harms of the fast food industry, Spurlock goes on a 30 day long McDonald’s binge. He allows himself to eat nothing but the unhealthy food from this restaurant for a whole month abiding by certain regulations. He had to eat at a McDonald’s restaurant at least three times a day during this binge, and was required to have every food item on the menu at least one time. However, perhaps the most crucial rule in this experiment was that if at any time one of the cashiers asked him if he would like to “supersize” his meal, Spurlock was forced to oblige. Throughout this month Spurlock gained a total of 24.5 lbs and suffered from mood swings, sexual dysfunction, and an alarming accumulation of fat on his liver. Also, his body mass increased by 13% and his cholesterol level escalated to an unhealthy 230. During his binge Spurlock was easily sickened and agitated. Even though the many doctors that he visited during the time advised him to quit, at the risk of his own life, Spurlock continued his experiment in an avid attempt to discover the truth behind the foods that we eat. Before Spurlock embarked on his “Supersize Me” binge he enlisted the help of three medical professionals and a registered dietician. He was examined by Dr. Steven Siegel, M.D. (cardiologist), Dr. Lisa Ganjhu, D.O. (gastroenterologist) and Dr. Daryl M. Isaacs, M.D. (internal medicine). Spurlock was given a clean bill of health. Dr. Siegel said his blood tests were excellent, salt in the blood was good, and his kidney and liver functions
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