Summer Vacation Essay

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Free Writing In the summer, students have 3 months vacation. Some students take a rest and go somewhere. Some choose to take summer sessions. In my opinion, students should not take summer sessions, and should have a fun. There are some reasons for that. People need to have a rest, and a summer vacation is a chance to start a new thing. The first reason that I think students shouldn’t take summer sessions is that summer vacation is a chance to start a new thing. To start a new thing is always exciting, and a lot of experience might make one’s life better. For example, I worked last summer. I met a lot of people work at different fields, different age and thinking. Talking and Working with different generation people was exciting, and it was fun. There were relation ships that I couldn’t make it in a school. Moreover, My friends traveled during the summer. One of my friends went to India Last summer, and he told me that his way to thinking has changed a little bit through travel. He faced a different lifestyle, and it affected to him. Those things are hard to experience in a school life. Then I think people shouldn’t take classes on summer, and should try a new thing. Also, many people that I know tell me that I should go somewhere and learn something when I am a student because after I get a job and have a children, I may not have time to do something for myself. I think that’s true. The second reason that I think students shouldn’t take summer classes is that they need a rest. My friends and I took summer classes this summer and it was good for them and me. However, we talked about how the summer vacation should be. The answer was we should use summer vacation as a ”vacation.” I think when people keep doing something for a long time, the quality and motivation may go down. Taking a rest after work, and

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