Summary on Walmart: the Main Street Merchant of Doom

354 Words2 Pages
Samuel Moore Walton founded Walmart. Adopting JCPenny’s Penny Idea Walmart targeted, initially, small rural town. Later, Walmart had expanded to larger cities and eventually become one of main player in retail industries. This is achieved through sound strategies in winning the heart of consumers and local community through fast, friendly and cheap services. Apart of Walmart’s Way, Walmart also inculcate sense of belonging by offering profit sharing, incentive bonuses and stock options that promotes loyalty. They innovated corporate social responsibilities through two successful campaigns, the Buy American Plan, aimed at local manufacturer sustenance and the Environmental Awareness campaign to get local community to involve in keeping world green. Both campaigns were successful because Walmart exploit consumer’s ‘buying power’ and Walmart’s wide, diverse and huge associates. Unfortunately, apart from receiving support from consumers, Walmart also faces oppositions. Oppositions divided into two groups, financial driven and social/ environment driven. Walmart’s rapid growth affected local merchants and stores (who previously sells expensively through monopoly and price-fixing). These stores and retail chains were forced out from business. In return, they tried to stop Walmart’s invasion through excuses like low-cost reputation does not fits high society images and they are killing other stores by selling cheap. For social activist, their fights against Walmart have no financial stakes. Their reasoning is Walmart is polluting the environment and betraying human rights and values. For whatever reason, the oppositions later team-up and hire consultants to go against Walmart. These consultants are specialized in anti-sprawling campaign. They employ elaborate clandestine schemes and tactics to influence the community, the local authority and the politician/ governments.

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