Summary of Tintern Abbey

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In the first stanza wordsworth describes the time that has passed since he has been here. It has been 5 years since wordsworth has been to Tintern Abbey. He is describing it by stating that the winters of Britain are long! As he goes on he hears the waters that are originating from the mountain springs and waterfalls and while disturbing the calmness of the place they set a sweet sound that one would enjoy. Wordsworth is describing the scene as he once again sees the high and steep mountain cliffs that bring out the isolated thoughts from his mind, the thoughts one rarely has. It seems to him that the cliffs are pillars that connect the beautiful landscape and the sky. He again after 5 years is standing under the same Sycamore tree and sees the ground where there are orchards, woods and copses. While there are no Fruits in the orchard during this time of the year they properly merge in with the woods and copses and give out an amazing green view. He sees the hedgerows, barely hedgerows, pastoral farms that are very green till the very door. He sees Rings and Garlands of smoke in the thin air and assumes they might be coming from the fire lit by a hermit or a vagrant dweller to cook food. In the second stanza he describes how this memories have helped him. Though he has been not here for a long time period of 5 years the memories of this heavenly place were as clear as in real life. Often when he was alone in midst of the din of cities and towns the memories refreshed him and lifted his spirit. The memories gave him sweet sensations that he felt among his whole body and made his mind purer. The feelings of unremembered pleasure also helped him with his tranquil restoration. The feeling that make the best part of a good man’s life. The feeling we attain by the little acts of helping each other, the acts of kindness, the
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