Summary of Jane Eyre

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Introduction In this summary of Jane Eyre I am going to summarise every chapter. I am going to write about the main themes, imagery/ideas and research social and political aspects of the novel. Chapter 1 Chapter 1 is written in 1st person. The chapter is giving the reader an introduction to who Jane Eyre is and also informing the reader of Jane Eyre’s childhood. This chapter describes she was left with no money from her Dad and she is dependant on the Reed family at 10 years old. They look down and gang up on her. John Reed the 14 year old son in the family appears to bully her verbally and physically. John Reed appears to be spoilt by his mother because it describes him as greedy, lazy and large. The Reed family always side with John when he is cruel to Jane. Chapter 2 In chapter 2 Jane Eyre has retaliated against John. The servants in the household have locked Jane up in a ‘red room’; which is the bedroom where her uncle died (who was her Mum’s brother). It was Jane’s uncles wish to bring her up in the house when her parents died and her aunty Mrs. Reed appears to not want Jane living with them. Jane appears to blame herself for their actions because she feels she is different to the rest of the family. She says “I know that had I been a sanguine, brilliant, careless, exacting, handsome, romping child – though equally dependant and friendless – Mrs Reed would have endured my presence more complacently”. She feels whilst the other children misbehave and get away with it she tries desperately to be good but gets the blame for everything. Jane thinks the ghost of her uncle might appear in the red room to console her. As darkness falls, her imagination runs riot. She believes a light on the wall is going to develop into his ghost. She has what appears to be what would be described today as a panic attack and she screams causing the servants and her aunt to
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