Summary of Camus’s “the Myth of Sisyphus”

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Peng Sun Professor Alix Hawley English 100, Section 10 2 October 2012 Summary of Camus’s “The Myth of Sisyphus” Sisyphus is tasked to roll a rock by the gods, which would always fall back because of its weight, to the top of a mountain. He is a sage mortal according to Homer; however he is a robber in another source. For his penalty, there are two possible reasons. One is he offends the gods by stealing their secrets that he told Aesopus about his daughter's disappearance in exchange for the water to the Corinth and Death is bound by him, too. Another one is that he did not go back to the underworld when he got permission to punish his wife on earth. Nevertheless, Sisyphus is still a hero with passions through his torture and people can only imagine what happened in the underworld. He is stronger than his rock, and at the same time it reflects the workman of today. Happiness and sorrow are combined when Sisyphus tried to push the rock again. Then sorrow will disappear when people acknowledge about the truth of the rock itself. That is why Oedipus followed the fate and at the same time confirmed the modern heroism. Besides, the gods will be swept out when human recognize the Oedipus's theory. Sisyphus is convinced that his fate belongs to himself, and that is from where his joy comes. He rejected the gods by raising the rock. People must believe Sisyphus is fulfilled because the effort he made is enough to make him contented. Works Cited Albert, Camus. “The Myth of Sisyphus.” Mercury Reader: An Anthology of Non-Fiction. Ed. Alix Hawley. Boston: Pearson, 2012. 20-23.

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