Successful People Essay

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The fact that a lot of talent goes unnoticed is due to many factors both within a person and on external uncontrollable factors. The first section of Outliers does make a lot of good points on how certain birth dates and opportunistic situations make a difference on how successful a person can be. Ex. In the book The Outliers, Gadwell argues that success is largely structured by opportunities provided externally. Gladwell mentioned the term, “accumulated advantage.” “It is those who are successful that are most likely to be given the kind of social opportunities that lead to further success.” “It’s the rich who get the biggest tax breaks. It’s the best students who gets the best teaching and most attention.” Gladwell also stated that being born in the month or year has an advantage. However, undiscovered talent can be recognized through talent and hard work, the 10,000 hours of practice. Gladwell mentioned the ability and discipline to obtain at least 10,000 hours of practice. An example in the book, were the Beatles. The Beatles practice eight hours a day, seven days a week during their Hamburg trip for months. Bill Gates, one of the few people had the opportunity to log in 10,000 hours, while most colleges didn’t even have computer clubs. EX. The fact that a lot of talent goes unnoticed is due to many factors both within a person and on external uncontrollable factors. The first section of Outliers does make a lot of good points on how certain birth dates and opportunistic situations make a difference on how successful a person can be. I think that for unnoticed talent to be recognized people need to think in a more innovative way and behave accordingly, they basically need to set themselves apart from the rest. Unfortunately personal effort won’t always be enough, many times we need others to give us a push in the right direction, for example, a manager
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