Success in School

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There are some important factors that cause people to be successful in school. When you go to school it is not easy for some people. It is not easy because they may not have time for school. They may have two jobs, a bad work schedule, family responsibilities and no time to do homework. These factors make it very difficult to keep going to school. Some factors that cause students to be successful in school are time for studying, tutoring, and having goals. First, time for studying is very important. You can plan time for studying to make it easier for you to understand. For example when you have time to study you can understand everything better and you feel good about school. When you do not have time to study it’s more difficult to understand. You may have a very bad work schedule, family commitments, and no time to do homework. For example, if you have a bad work schedule it can make you very tired in school. When you are tired in school it is hard to pay attention. Also, appointments in general can make it very difficult to study. Second, having a tutor can be very helpful. When you have extra help from a tutor you can have better grades in your school and you can learn more. For example the tutor can teach you something you did not understand in class. The tutor can also help you if you missed a class. The tutor has more time to explain individually than the teacher. If you have a tutor you have a good chance of being successful. Finally, having goals can make a big difference. Goals can give you the motivation to go school every day and pass your courses. Motivation is very important to help complete your goals. If you have goals they can help you stay focused on the future. For instance, if you do not have a good job now, after graduation you can get a better job and have a better financial situation. Everybody’s goals are different but they all have
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