Study of Budget and Budgetary Control by Anuprita

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Topic – Study of Budget and Budgetary Control 1 2 Table of Content Sr No Particulars Page No. 1 Research Methodology 6 2 Introduction to Fertilizer Industry 7 3 4 Introduction to IFFCO Achievements Units Vision and Mission Statement Introduction to IFFCO KANDLA 9 13 14 15 17 5 Introduction of F & A Department of IFFCO 21 6 Introduction about Budget and Budgetary control 26 7 Budget and Budgetary control at IFFCO KANDLA 48 8 Revenue budget and Purchase budget 51 10 Revenue / Purchase budget control 59 11 Capital budget 62 12 Capital budget control 73 13 Loans and advances to employees budget 76 14 Sales Budget 78 15 Cash Budget 79 16 Limitations of the study 80 17 Findings and Suggestions 81 18 Conclusion 83 19 Recommendations 84 20 Bibliography 85 21 Statement and Annexure Explanation 86 21 Annexures 108 3 PREFACE This report is prepared at Indian Farmers Fertilizers Co-operative Limited (IFFCO), KANDLA Unit on functional areas of IFFCO KANDLA. It contains the brief description of the company and all its departments. It also covers the different functions performed in different departments at IFFCO KANDLA. The report contains the details regarding the information related to BUDGET AND BUDGETARY CONTROL Of Indian Farmers Fertilizers Limited (IFFCO KANDLA). In this report it is mentioned that how budget is being managed at Indian Farmers Fertilizers Co operative Limited (IFFCO KANDLA). 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT “Debts can be certainly repaid, but co-operation extended and the guidance given by someone can never be repaid.” I owe special thanks to Vishwakarma Institute of Management, Pune for giving me an opportunity to learn practically

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