Student Ethics Scenario

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STUDENT ETHICS SCENARIO Gordon Merfa, Bethany Woodard, Gerald Kanta, Karryl Durr-Stewart MGT 567 May 14, 2012 Catherine Garcia STUDENT ETHICS SCENARIO Team A has the opportunity to represent a variety of perspectives regarding an ethics situation that has taken place in a school setting among students. In this scenario, a student has come into a classroom to find an IPOD unattended and is left to make a decision regarding the appropriate measures to take. The following information was collected in an effort to give the opinions and assist in making a final decision as a review panel. Opinion of friend: What are the key facts that you should consider before making a decision? I would ask those delivering the final judgment to first consider the man’s background and character. Both will show what type of person or employee he really is. If they reflect a spotless background, in my opinion judgment should be lenient. Before passing a final verdict I think the review panel that makes a decision about how to handle the situation should take into consideration the rules of the institution because that will set the degree of punishment to be served. In addition, the review panel should be aware of the punishment for the first offence, second offense and so on because the degree of the offense will determine the severity of the punishment. Is this an ethical issue? What exactly are the ethical aspects involved in your decision? “Ethics is based off the belief of what is right and what is wrong. It is very close in definition to morals. It is basically the code of conduct, where actions reflect a person’s beliefs.” (Hartman & DesJardins, 2011). With this said, the situation is an ethical issue be it personal and or the institution. The ethical aspect in my opinion that should be involved in the decision is honesty. The IPOD does not belong to the
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