Stroop Effect Essay

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Automatic processes vs Controlled processes The aim of this experiment was to test the Stroop effect and the effects automatic and controlled processes have on the test. The hypothesis is that people when performing the stroop effect will have less time and fewer errors with automatic processes, the time and errors would increase with the controlled processes. The participants were chosen by convenience and the selected participant in this case was a female, aged 52. The participant was first given a list of words that corresponded with the colour, using an automatic process, these are read aloud and the errors and the time taken to read the list is recorded. Then the second list of words, which are words not corresponded with the colour and is the controlled process, these are read aloud with the errors and the time taken recorded and compared to the first set of data. These results can prove the hypothesis was supported and that controlled processes are more prone to thinking rather than just doing This experiment has had the aim of testing the effects of automatic and controlled processes in the Stroop effect. The Stroop effect demonstrates performing a controlled process task compared to an automatic process task and outlines the extended time taken to complete the task. An automatic process is a task or process that doesn’t involve much attention or effort to be performed. A controlled process does require undivided attention and an amount of mental effort is usually needed. The stroop effect is the observation that it takes longer to name the colour of the ink a word is printed on if the word names a different colour than it does to identify a block of colour. The experiment relates to characteristics of normal waking consciousness. The Independent variable is the use of the automatic process, the list of 25 words that’s colour is correspondent to the

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