Story of an Hour vs the Yellow Wallpaper

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Life for women in the early 1800’s was that of many obligations and very few choices. Some have even compared the conditions of women during that time to a form of slavery. Women who were married were completely controlled by their husbands and their sole purpose was to reproduce and spend their entire lives taking care of the household and serving their spouse. If a woman desired to remain single and not to marry, she would be ridiculed and pitied by the community. Once married, all of her inheritance (if any existed), would belong to her husband as well as anything else she owned including her own body. Not only was this upheld by the laws during those times, but the marriage vows were inclusive of the command of the wife to obey her husband. Divorce was very rarely allowed and if a woman attempted to escape an unhappy marriage, she could be captured by the law and punished.(WordPress, ) Both Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper” and Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour”, are written during this era and criticize the male dominated society by demonstrating the negative impact that it had on women during that timeframe. Both women in these stories are symbolically the same character because of the inordinate oppression that they were both experiencing and their passionate, unrelenting desire for freedom. Not only freedom from their husbands controlling and oppressive behavior, but freedom from society’s standards as well. Both authors use a closed room as a place where the reader gets the opportunity to take an inside look into the private thoughts of the main characters. Outside the room these women are conforming to societal norms but when they are locked away from their husbands, astonishing transformations are taking place. In both stories the women’s husbands have direct control over their lives. In “The Yellow Wallpaper”, the narrator’s husband controls her both
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