Storm Warning Analysis

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Dallas Boggs Storm Warnings Analysis Essay “How with a single purpose time has traveled by secret currents of the undiscerned.” The poem “Storm Warnings” indicates that the speaker is waiting for death. She ,the narrator, waits for death throughout the poem, waiting for its cold hands around her beating heart. The speaker uses words and phrases that give off a sense of death when I read it. This is conveyed through Rich’s use of tone, a theme of fate, and a message of mortality. In the first stanza, fourth line it says “of grey unrest moving across the land.” This could be interpreted as death itself, creeping up on her to take her precious soul away. Forever. “…Moving across the land” means that many have died where she lives, and she is just the next victim of death’s cold grasp. She may not know if she is exactly next to be ripped of her life in death’s cruel game, but she knows that it will find her sooner or later. Even in a game of hide-n-seek, the seeker always wins eventually She accepts death in a manner that is almost calming. The speaker, further in the poem, realizes death is approaching but still she seems calm. She feels like it is her time to go, to leave her world behind. “Before foreseeing and averting change lies all the elements which clocks and weatherglass cannot alter.” This means that death cannot be stopped. Time does not control when death takes its toll on a person’s life. Even closing her windows will not keep death out. The idea that death is an epidemic around this area where the speaker lives is in the last two lines of the poem. “These are the things we have learned to do who live in troubled regions.” The trouble in the region is death. The cause of the deathly epidemic is not revealed anywhere in the poem, but it is there. It lurks on everyone in the area, stalking their every movement waiting for the perfect moment when it
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