Sticks and Stones

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Essay “Sticks and Stones” Main themes In my opinion, the short story “Sticks and Stones” by Tezza Azzopardi has two main themes. The first one is mental bullying. It is a substantial part of the story. Both Lewis and Paul are victims of bullying and the short story thematizes thus the problem of bullying. The author is focusing on questions as:  What impact can it have on a child being bullied?  How can bullying affect one's adult life?  How do you put a stop to bullying? The second one is confronting your inner demons. Lewis was as a bully victim himself while growing up. He spent his childhood to look over his shoulder, so when he as an adult again was confronted with bullying, his own inner demons show up again. The unsuccessful attempt to help Paul Fry sends him into a depression-like state. He hides from the world and struggles in his childhood home with a fight against his inner demons, which, however, he eventually overcomes. Lewis characterization Lewis is approximately mid-twenties, teacher at an English school and living with his girlfriend, Anna, in the middle of England. A third person omniscient narrator tells the story, and we get Lewis perspective on the events. It is thus through Lewis's eyes we see the action process and through the omniscient narrator we get a glimpse of what Lewis thinks and feels. So that we can understand Lewis as an adult, we need to understand who he was as a child. The mother has raised Lewis to believing that you have to keep your head down and run if something goes wrong: "But he took here words literally, Became an expert in running away" (P.10, l.71-72) "Lewis was ever running away" (P.10, l.67) As a child, Lewis also jumps out of a steep slope when he runs away from those who used to bully him. He fears that they have come to beat him with iron pipes, and he therefore chooses to jump off a 20

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