Steganography Essay

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STEGANOGRAPHY THE ART OF “WRITING HIDDEN MESSAGES” What is Steganography? Steganography is the art and science of hiding messages. Steganography is often combined with cryptography so that even if the message is discovered it cannot be read. The word steganography is derived from the Greek words "steganos" and "graphein", which mean "covered" and "writing." Steganography, therefore, is covered writing. History of Steganography Steganography ancient origins can be traced back to 440 BC, from the Histories of Herodotus. Demeratus sent a warning about a forthcoming attack to Greece by writing it on a wooden panel and covering it in wax. Histiaeus, who shaved the head of his most trusted slave and tattooed a message on it. After his hair had grown the message was hidden. The purpose was to instigate a revolt against the Persians. Wax tablet In ancient Greece, people wrote messages on the wood, then covered it with wax so that it looked like an ordinary, unused tablet. Invisible Ink – Certain organic fluids (milk, fruit juice) are transparent when dried but the deposit can be charred and is then visible – Romans used to write between the lines – A mixture of alum and vinegar may be used to write on hardboiled eggs, so that can only be read once shell is broken Null ciphers (unencrypted messages): Apparently neutral's protest is thoroughly discounted and ignored. Isman hard hit. Blockade issue affects pretext for embargo on by products, ejecting suets and vegetable oils. Sent by a German Spy in WWII, by taking the second letter in each word the following message emerges: Pershing sails from NY June 1. Microdot Technology Shrinking messages down to the size of a dot became a popular method. Since the microdot could be placed at the end of a sentence or above a
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