Statement of Intent-the Fault in Our Stars

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Fiona Corless Ms.Power ENG-4UE-20 July 5, 2013 Statement of Intent Independent Study Project The Fault in Our Stars My topic for this ISP will be the theme of struggle associated with cancer in The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. In this novel the use of characters, such as Hazel Lancaster, Augustus Waters and Mrs. Lancaster, provide suitable conditions in which struggle through cancer is portrayed. The varied outcomes of cancer greatly affect the lives of each character in a way that their struggle becomes unmistakable. It is evident that through these characters, John Green is able to depict the valid aspects of struggling with the horrid disease that is cancer so that the audience is able to emotionally connect and understand. Through this ISP I hope to validate John Green’s use of characters to illustrate the qualities and the affects that come along with the true struggle of cancer. I will go about proving this through an examination of each of the characters’ personal struggles with the illness as well as the permanent affects that are associated with them. Through this, I hope to portray the premise of struggle in this novel and how cancer eventually overcomes the joys that were once the lives of the characters. This paper will elucidate the struggles linked with cancer through the following points: 1) Mrs. Lancaster’s struggle with Hazel’s illness and how she devoted her entire life to taking care of her sick daughter. 2) Augustus’ ongoing reminder of his first battle of cancer through his prosthetic leg as well as the struggle of his second, and last battle of Osteosarcoma, the cancer that has overtaken him. In addition, he struggles to keep the fact that his cancer has returned from Hazel, the girl he loves, as he doesn’t want to be selfish and leave her wounded. 3) Hazel struggles to be a normal teenager for she has to carry

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