Star Fruit Essay

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Carambola, also known as Star Fruit is a juicy tropical fruit grown in Thailand and throughout Southeast Asia, Australia, South America, but also in Hawaii and Florida, so they're an easy fruit to find at your local grocery store or market. Star Fruit are a good choice during the winter months, when they're readily available. And because they're a good source of Vitamin C, star fruit can help ward off winter colds and flu. The fruit, which is mostly consumed fresh or as juice, is rich in vitamins A and C and it also has iron, and has high fiber content. The taste varies from sour to sweet, one way of distinguishing the sour variety from the sweeter ones is that the former has narrower ribs, while the latter have thicker, fleshy ones. Unripe star fruit is preserved in many parts of Southeast Asia and is used as a traditional remedy, Star fruit is also full of antioxidants and flavonoids. How to choose a ripe (or ripening) star fruit, They may have some dark brown along the five ridges - this is normal. The flesh should still be quite firm to the touch. You can also buy star fruit when it's green and wait for it to ripen - just leave it on your counter for a few days. When over-ripe, star fruit turns entirely yellow and starts to have brown spots all over. Cut the star fruit in slices and eat plain. Use a sharp knife to cut the fruit across the broad side, dividing it into star-shaped slices that are roughly 1/4-inch to 1/2-inch (6.35-mm to 1.27-cm) wide. Alternatively, remove the edges and seeds before eating. Even though every part of the star fruit is edible, for presentation purposes, you may want to remove any brown edges or seeds. Avoid star fruit if you have kidney problems. The fruit contains a neurotoxin that healthy kidneys can filter out, but damaged kidneys are unable to do so. Include star fruit in a fruit salad. Toss slices of star fruit with other

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